Par l’intermédiaire d’un avocat, une personne anonyme a protégé le mot «bitcoin» au niveau national. Le nom et le logo Bitcoin ont été déposés en Espagne auprès de l‘ Office espagnol des brevets et des marques . Ce processus a été mené à bien par Ignacio Rubio Menéndez, expert en conformité et avocat spécialisé en […]
Monat: Juni 2020
The Benefits of Playing Poker Online
Playing a match of poker with your buddies is always a great way to occupy a few hours (or several), but what do you do when you come into the realization that you are good enough to play with the big boys, or even for money? While jumping the gun and attempting to enter high-stakes […]
La piattaforma offre servizi in 19 stati americani River Financial, una società di brokeraggio di criptovalute, ha annunciato giovedì che si è assicurata 5,7 milioni di dollari in un nuovo round di finanziamento di seed. Il round di finanziamento è stato guidato da Polychain Capital, insieme alla partecipazione di Slow Ventures, Castle Island Ventures, DG […]
General dentistry includes all types of oral care. It begins with dental examination which then leads to dental cleanings and any other treatment that may be necessary to keep up with your oral health. So it follows that general dentistry means preventive care. As we all know, prevention is better than cure. Several benefits of […]